Day of Reflection - Vocation to the Priesthood
Sat, 14 Oct
An Invitation for Vocations to Priesthood - Day of Reflection on Priesthood; Saturday 14th October, University of Exeter Catholic Chaplaincy.

Time & Location
14 Oct 2023, 10:00 – 16:00
Exeter, Glenthorne Rd, Exeter EX4 4QU, UK
About the Event
This 'Day of Reflection' for men will be held on Saturday 14th October from 10:00 to 16:00 at Exeter University Chaplaincy, Boniface House, Glenthorne Road, Exeter EX4 4QU.
How can you respond to this? If this is not for you perhaps you are the one who God has called to give a man in your parish a nudge and tell him ‘God is calling you’; or can you find time to pray for: those who are called to attend but are not responding; for those who will attend; for those involved in Vocations in our Diocese; for those already in formation.
The day will include Mass; a time of Adoration; a short conference; an opportunity for Confession and ‘One to One talks’ with serving Priests from our Diocese; and sharing food together (this will be provided – please let us know of special dietary requirements). Under 18s are welcome to attend with parents’ permission.
For further information and to register for the event, please contact Fr Jacek Kostuch on Jacek.Kostuch@prcdtr.org.uk or speak to your Parish Priest by 9th October 2023 at the latest and ask him to make contact on your behalf. Arrangements can be made to collect you from Exeter Railway Station and returned after, if required.