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What does a Catholic

Priest do?

the Gospel

A priest proclaims the Gospel and helps people understand how the Word of God relates to their lives. A priest teaches in the name of Christ and has been given this responsibility by his bishop. He does this well when he meditates on the Word of God – believes what he reads - teaches what he believes and puts into practice what he teaches.


Adapted from ‘The Rite of Ordination’

A priest is a man of communion whose primary work is to build up communion with God
and with others, among the followers of Christ and among all people of good will.

Pastoral Care

Whether working in a police station or a war zone, a hospital or a school the priest is there to offer Christ’s compassion to those around him. He shows special concern for those on the margins and those who have the lost their way in life. At the same time, he brings together the followers of Christ and supports them on the ‘hard road that leads to life.’

(Mt 7:14)

Living Communion

The communion that the priest celebrates in the sacraments finds further expression in his work of building up the local community. He brings together the people of his parish to support each other in faith, hope and love. He enables the parish community to reach out beyond itself, especially to those in need.

let us consider

how to stir up one another to love

and good works

Heb 10:24


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